Our Team

Our Ministry Team is dedicated to supporting the people of Shetland.

Rev. Fran Henderson

Minister for South Shetland

Call 01595 881184
Call FHenderson@churchofscotland.org.uk

Rev. Irene Charlton

Minister for East-West Shetland

Call 01806 566767
Call ICharlton@churchofscotland.org.uk


Minister for North Shetland

Call TBC
Call TBC

Ellen Griffiths Weir

Youth and Children’s Worker

Call 07587 343848
Call EWeir@churchofscotland.org.uk

Michele Simms

Parish Development Worker

Call 07596 351863
Call MSimms@churchofscotland.org.uk

Frances Richardson

Parish Administrator and Treasurer

Call 07453 374543
Call FRichardson@churchofscotland.org.uk

Arthur Watt

Session Clerk

Call 07768 004059
Call arthurwatt50@yahoo.co.uk

Jim Donald

Presbytery Elder

Call the.donalds@btinternet.com